Time & Date, Setter & Saver (T.D.S.S.) Documentation for 'TIMEDATE.PRG'. The automatic time & date setter, which saves the date, and only changes the settings when YOU want it done! (in 40-columns for simplicity) To start with, the best (and quickest) place to put this program, is in the AUTO folder - it doesn't matter if it's first or last!! (Unless something else you run also sets the time) This way your time will be more or less correctly set everytime you boot your machine! Simple really - the program will, if loaded normally, display a greeting, and show you the current time and date in the system. Or, if the machine has just been reset, it will read the time and date in from the TIMEDATE.SET file which is used to store the time & date, so that it doesn't require changing EVERY time you boot up. (In my case, the system date always used to be sometime in 1987). If you wish to change the time & date, then, simply hold down the Control button while the program is loading. (This is done so as not to interfere with the many other programs that use the Shift or Alternate keys such as Super-boot) You are then asked to enter the time. Enter this in 24-hour format. (e.g. 7 O'clock (pm) becomes 19 O'Clock, but 7 O'clock (am) is still 7 O'Clock!) The date is in UK format, (Date, Month then Year). The Time & Date is saved in a standard ASCII file 'TIMEDATE.SET' which if you wish can be updated manually using a text editor!! Addendum for version 1.2 Version 1.0 had two STUPID bugs which I can't believe I missed. Running the program in Low-resolution (e.g. from the AUTO folder) would cause a large amount of the text to disappear off the right side of the screen, this has now been fixed! The other was, running the program from the AUTO folder, would not let you re-configure by holding down the mouse keys on older versions of TOS (<1.4) So, it was changed to the probably more convenient, and space-saving, 'CONTROL'. I've also reduced the memory used while the program is running by a couple of hundred bytes, and sped it up slightly! (Although, with such a small program it can't be noticed, but knocking an entire loop out of the program, does speed things up!) I can be contacted at: Internet/Usenet/Telnet/Bitnet: WELLS_S@Kosmos.wcc.govt.nz FNET: Steven Wells at Node #613 (Z*NET South Pacific) (Copyright 1992, Mercenary Software)